Stay In Your Lane

EchoPark prides itself on making sure its used cars roll off the lot in pristine condition, so we made a guide for new owners to send to potential passengers to help keep their used car feeling like new.

My role: Copywriter and concept [ACDs: Kevin O’Connell, Luke Ulery. Sr. Art Director: Tiffany Cooper]

Social Building Blocks

Starting with one simple question, we discovered that car owners have a lot of thoughts and opinions around their car rules. Since EchoPark cares more about its owner’s happiness than moving metal, the creative team launched several social posts to first gauge owner sentiments and then to speak directly to our audience.

These posts garnered 15.3K engagements and ultimately provided the fuel and insight for the above OTT spot.

Early exploration:

Understanding our audience:

Post copy: First rule: you feed me fries while I drive and the sunroof stays open at all times.

Post copy: Those who get it, get it; and those who don’t can still get a great ride at the link in our bio.

Post copy: What’s the one rule you have for passengers in your car? Let us know in the comments!

Post copy: Be the supreme ruler in your own ride from the link in our bio.

Post copy: We wish we didn’t have to explain this one. Protect your dash.

Post copy: Unless it’s your car, in which case, carry on.


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